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Full Circle Re-Entry & Transitional Support Programs

Reintegration support for the whole person

Volunteer Application


Date: ______________________________

Personal Information

Name: _______________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________

City: _____________________ State: ________________ Zip: ___________

Best Number to Reach You: _________________________________________

Email Address: _________________________________________________

Date of Birth: __________________________________________________

Emergency Contact: ______________________________________________

Relationship: ___________________________________________________

Emergency Phone: _______________________________________________

What things are you most interested in doing at Full Circle Re-Entry & Transitional Support Programs? (examples: helping cook a

meal, mentoring, etc.):




Do you have any certifications, professional or personal skills, interests, or hobbies that

could be of particular use to the programs? (examples: LPC, marketing skills, tutoring

skills, music talents, etc.):




References: (please include phone numbers)

Pastor or Clergy ________________________________________________




Why do you want to volunteer at Full-Circle Re-Entry & Transitional Support Programs?





Please describe your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ? (If you need additional room,

please use back of paper)





Please circle if you are interested in knowing more about any of the


Ministry Opportunities:





Social Work & Legal Svcs


Urgent Needs

Maintenance and Upkeep Projects

Facility Projects Client Projects

Focus Group Committee

Leading a Committee



Touring Our Facilities

Board of Directors

Do you have ideas for fundraising, special projects or ministry opportunities? Y or N


Days: Please Circle: Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

Times Available: ________________________________________________

(___) Available anytime you need me!


(___) Residential Houses- (Kitchen: cooking, serving and cleanup, transportation, legal needs)

(___) Mon-Sat: 4:00 pm- 9:00 pm (__) Sundays: 6:30 pm- 8:30 pm

(___) Services - (i.e: helping with children, transportation, exercise classes, legal needs)

(___) Mon-Fri: Times will vary

(___) Maintenance - all facilities times vary

(__) General Cleaning (__) General Repair (__) Painting (__) Window Washing

(___) Administration (working in office) - all facilities times vary

(___) Spiritual (Bible Study, etc) - all facilities time vary

(___) Special Fundraising

(___) Transportation: (guests to appointments, guests to church): all facilities time vary

(___) Educational: (Tutoring, work skills, Exercise Classes): all facilities time vary

____ House _____ House

(___) Other: __________________________________________________

Statement of Volunteer

I hereby state that I understand that I am volunteering to perform work duties for Full Circle Re-Entry & Transitional Support Programs, without expression that I will be paid any wages or salary or any

other type of compensation for my work.

I also understand that I may/may not receive gratuities. This would be the sole

discretion of Full Circle Re-Entry & Transitional Support Programs, and its Executive Head. I claim no right to these gifts and do not consider them as payments in exchange for my work. I am serving as a volunteer and NOT AS AN EMPLOYEE.

As a volunteer, I realize that I have no legal claims for minimum wages, overtime

premiums, unemployment compensation, or other provisions of laws for employees

rather it is my desire to help accomplish its God-given purpose.

In the event our group decides to make the local news media aware of our scheduled

volunteer visit to Full Circle Re-Entry & TSP with a formal press release, I will notify the

Full Circle Executive Director or Public Relations Director to make them aware of the

possibility that local news media may be present during the visit.

It is also understood that any volunteer who displays an attitude or behavior deemed

unacceptable by Full Circle Re-Entry’s standards of conduct may be dismissed from the

volunteer program either temporarily or indefinitely based on the seriousness of the


Date: ______________________________

Signed: _______________________________________________________

Print Name: ___________________________________________________

Full Circle Re-Entry & Transitional Support Programs

Mailing Address for All Facilities

Full Circle Re-Entry & Transitional Support Programs

Post Office Box 22021

Little Rock, AR 72221

Full Circle Re-Entry & Transitional Support Programs

Doctrinal Statement Agreement

1. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, ultimately authoritative Word

of God.

2. We believe there is one God, eternally existing as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

3. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is deity, He was born of a virgin, that we are

redeemed by His atoning death through His shed blood, that He bodily

resurrected and ascended into Heaven, and that He will come again in power and

great glory.

4. We believe that people are saved through a direct, personal encounter with the

risen Lord, at which time they are regenerated by the Holy Spirit. This event we

hold to be an experience, rather than a doctrinal supposition.

5. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whom Christ indwells

each believer enabling him to live a Godly life of obedience as he reaches for


6. We believe the Holy Spirit unites all true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and

that together they form one body, the church.

As a volunteer for Full Circle Re-Entry, I agree to uphold the

beliefs in the above stated Doctrinal Statement.

______________________________ _______________________

Signature of Volunteer Printed Name

_____________________________ _______________________

Date Name of Church

Code of Ethics

1. I will conduct my personal and ministry life in the way that will not bring shame

or reproach to the name of the Lord. This includes relationships with other

employees, guest, and other ministries.

(I Peter 1:14-16)

2. I will live a self-controlled, upright and Godly life in keeping with the Scriptures.

(Titus 2:11-14)

3. I will recognize and respect what the Lord is doing through other individuals and

organizations and will refrain from criticism or involvement unless illegal,

unethical, or immoral behavior is suspected and will follow the standards of

Matthew 18 whenever possible.

(I Peter 3:8-9)

4. I will honor my financial, legal, and moral obligations both personally and in my

role in ministry to family, vendors, neighbors, community and government.

(Romans 13:7-8)

______________________________ _______________________

Signature of Volunteer Printed Name

_____________________________ _______________________

Date Name of Church

Full Circle Re-Entry & Transitional Support Programs

Volunteer Agreement

Doctrinal Agreement

              I, ______________________, understand that Full Circle Re-Entry & Transitional Support Programs is a Christian faith-based organization and I hereby agree to respect and uphold this position while volunteering at Full Circle Re-Entry & Transitional Support Programs.

______________________________ _______________________

Signature of Volunteer Printed Name

_____________________________ _______________________

Date Name of Church

______________________________ _______________________

FCR Staff Witness Printed Name

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